Easy-to-set sensory play activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

Flour Sensory Bin

Cardboard box decorating activity for toddlers and preschoolers. *Always choose the materials that are safe for children to use. 

Shape Stamps

 This is an easy art activity for toddlers and preschoolers to learn about the different shapes and colours. Children will enjoy the process art activity by printing and creating different patterns. 

Cardboard Tube Stamps

 Read, speak, sing to your baby: How parents can promote literacy from birth

Information for Parents

Creative Activity

  A fun activity to use recycled material. Help your child/children in the process of making the characters or dolls they want to create by using their imagination.

Preschool Math Activity

 Help your child learn to use the numbers with this fun game. 

Roll and Dot